Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's ALIVE!!!

Or at least, that's what the "Dr. Frankenstein commentary" in my head is saying!  

You see, I have the absolute latest blooming Irises in the world.  They like to take their sweet time and grow and grow and GROW until they're  HUGE!!  I kid you not, the blooms can easily get 3 ft. tall!!  So they usually don't make their appearance until late Spring, but they stick around for quite a while into Summer (which most Irises don't do).  

Seeing those first few blooms pop up gets me really excited, and I tend to spend more time outdoors (or at least looking out back!).  

I have two varieties of Iris in my garden, a deep purple and a bright white.  The purple Irises have been there the longest and have become extremely well established.  They were a gift from my Mother-in-law a few years after we moved into our house (and were the first flowers I ever grew...AWWW!)  The white ones came from my sister's yard when they re-did a flower bed.  So if you're keeping count that's a whole flower bed for free!!!!  

And although the white ones have some growing to do still, they too are taking off nicely!  When I added the white Irises, I knew there was a chance that the two breeds might eventually merge and create a hybrid (way way way on down the line).  I didn't have very high hopes, because I had been told that it was pretty rare.

Well, low and behold, the first flowers to shoot up and bloom this year was a hybrid!!!!
Isn't it gorgeous!! I mean WOW!!  

That's right, my two breeds bedded down, got their mac on, and created this beautiful little hybrid baby!!  Take that statistics!!! Point: God!!!!


1 comment:

Ginny said...

Hahaha :) "got their mac on" lol :) They're beautiful!

My irises are really tall too - I had to tie one to my drain spout so it would stand up! :)