Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm Back!!

But then, your probably wondering where the heck I went!!  Well, this last week, I went down to visit the Hubby in Mississippi!  WooHoo!!

I would have mentioned it earlier, but I'm extremely paranoid about telling people I'm going to be out of town...and my house will be empty...and an easy target for a robbery.  So I just skipped out without informing the whole blog-o-sphere of my plans.

It was an awesome trip, minus the 14 hr drive there and back.  Yep, we drove...I know, crazy!  But plane tickets are extremely too overpriced.  SO we (me and the parents) trekked all the way down there, driving through the night both ways.

I'll be posting pictures later throughout the week, but haven't quite figured out how to transfer them easily from my phone to my computer (Casey HELP).  For now, here is a peak at Casey and Me from last week:

As for Casey, he is doing great.  He's starting to bulk up (not in the fat-chubby way, but in the holy-crap-that's-a-lot-of-muscles way)!  He's got a huge group of friends down there, and from what I saw, they all seem great.  

Obviously, Case is ready to be home, but he's committed to his assignment.  The biggest annoyance for him is class.  He gets bored easily in it.  He's always been a fast learner, so waiting for everyone else to catch on is frustrating.  We only have a few more weeks though, then he'll be done!!

Leaving sucked!!  There's no way around that, but I'm trying to stay optimistic for the future.  April is almost here, and then May, and then he's home!!  I can do this, I can do this, I can do this (I feel like the little engine that could)!

I'll post more later, so stay tuned for more pictures...

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