Friday, April 1, 2011

Casey: Transformed!!

Be honest, the Title totally caught your eye!!

I told you yesterday how Casey has been beefing up, but I thought a visual would be better.  I'm so jealous of people who can easily mold their bodies into what they want...and Casey has always had it easy.  

Doesn't that make you sick...

It sure as heck ticks me off!

Anyways, here is Casey at his BMT Graduation:

He lost a ton of weight at Basic, and got down to 160 lbs.  And all that weight consisted of long lean muscles, there wasn't an ounce of fat on him (cue me being jealous)!

Fast Forward 5 months, and this is Casey now:

Can you tell the difference!?!...particularly in his arms, chest, and neck...


Come to MAMA, hot stuff!!  

He's now up to 200 lbs., and let me tell you, it is all muscle.  Seriously, he's rock hard!!  And he's not even done yet.  He's still trying to get washboard abs before he comes home (insert me doing the "happy dance")!

All that to say, I should probably up my game, and try to be a little more fit too before he gets home...sigh.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, today is me and Casey's 13 year anniversary (dating)!!  That's right, the hubs actually asked me out on April Fools Day...classy!!

We were practically babies!!  Casey at 13, was short, shy, quiet, and had a dorky bowl cut, the total opposite of what he is now.  And I at 12, was bossy, attention seeking, and a bit of a tease...haven't really changed much actually!

Anyways, Happy Anniversary, Babe!!


1 comment:

Sarah :) said...

LOVE this post. You are so cute, Angie. :)
I CANNOT PICTURE Casey weighing 200lbs!!! This I gotta see in person.

(P.S. Maybe we should both join up too so we could have someone whip us into shape? LOL)