Sunday, January 9, 2011

Some Final Christmas Memories

After looking at a few other blogs lately, I realized something: I didn't post anything from Christmas. Truth be told, I had planned on "eventually" doing a huge post, complete with plenty of pictures and commentary. But now that Christmas time is over, I don't really feel up to posting EVERYTHING. Does that make me a lazy blogger? Probably! But I could care less.

Anyways, you already know the most exciting part of my Christmas: having Casey home...followed closely by all my paintings (just kidding Honey, you are light years ahead!!). So there didn't seem to be much to blog about, at first glance.

Then I came across these two pictures, and realized there were still a few "Christmas" stories I had to share:
This first pic is one of my favorites of Casey and Cole. If you know my nephew, then you will know the absolute miracle this was having him LOOK and SMILE at the camera at the same time! Especially on Christmas, when his attention is focused on all the toys!

But the really awesome thing about this picture is the ornament in Casey's hand. Cole bought that! This year for the first time my sister (Meagan) took Cole shopping to buy everyone's Christmas gifts. She wanted to teach him that Christmas was more than just getting presents, it's also about giving to those you love. So Cole picked out a gift for each of us this year...and we all got a little ornament for our tree!

Which leads into this next (slightly fuzzy) picture:
Ever since we got married, Casey and I have bought one new ornament every Christmas. It started out as a way to slowly add decorations to our tree, but took on some new meaning this year (last year? how ever you want to categorize it!). I wanted to remember 2010 as the year that Casey joined the Air Force. So we chose an ornament that would symbolize that for years to come. Get it, a dove...wings...just like the Air Force! Anyways, it was between this and a poof-ball-shaped-owl that Casey REALLY liked! In the end, we figured the dove would fit in better with our other decorations.

So there you have it, two more Christmas stories for ya!

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