As promised (a long long time ago), I'm finally posting pictures of my Biloxi Trip. The funny thing is, Casey isn't in most of them. Before you all get angry and resentful of me, let me explain. Although I was able to spend a whole 8 days with Case, the majority of the time he was in school. Which left me and the parents to sight see on our own.
And honestly, when I WAS with Case, I wasn't thinking about taking pictures. He does make an appearance later on in the trip, and I'll be sure to post as many of those pictures as I can.
Also, I don't have all the pictures my Mom took, so I'm skipping over a few of the attractions we went to (like the light house, pier, and Beauvoir). Hopefully I'll be able to add those pictures later. For now, here are pictures from our (me and the parents) trip to Fort Gaines:
The Fort was located on Dauphin Island (Dad kept calling it Dolphin Island) of the coast of Alabama. It's also where the phrase: "Damn the torpedoes...full speed ahead" came from.
Here are Mom and Dad at the entrance to the Fort:
And inside:
And me on one of the look out points:
The Fort had tunnels and bunkers carved out below each of the look out points for easy access under fire, and to also hold extra ammunition:
Me looking SUPER pasty, thanks to the camera flash:
Here's Mom on top of one of the VERY slippery sets of spiral stairs going into the underground bunker. Let me just say, this wouldn't exactly be the safest place to bring a child.
Some views of the ocean:
Some Indoor shots:
And last, but not least, my absolute favorite part of the Fort...HA:
Mom was too chicken to get in the picture with us, but I did get this one silly shot with her on the way home:
So that's it for today. I'll try to hunt down all of my Mom's pictures this weekend, and maybe fill in some of the gaps.
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